Upper Back Pain Treatment

Upper Back Pain

Upper back pain is less common than lower back pain; however, the pain can be just as debilitating as lower back pain. If you are in pain, the professionals at Chiropractic of Bellevue can find the source of your pain and treat it. There are a few common causes of upper back pain.

Poor Posture

Long-term poor posture can result in upper back pain. When you slouch, excess pressure is placed on the spine, discs, neck, and ligaments. Over time, this can result in pain and other complications.

Overuse Of the Muscles

When you overuse the muscles in your upper back, it can result in muscle tightness, strain, and irritation. The most common way to overuse the muscle is when you perform repetitive motions, particularly over your head. Over time, repetitive motion can result in upper back pain.

Traumatic Injury

Upper back pain can be the result of a car accident, a slip, and fall accident, working out too aggressively or lifting something heavy incorrectly. In some cases, the pain from a traumatic injury can come on suddenly. In others, it can take up to 24-hours for the pain to begin.

Herniated Disc

Herniated discs are more common in the lower back; however, it is possible to get a herniated disc in the upper back. The discs are cushions located between each vertebra. A herniated disc occurs when a piece of the disc poke through, which puts pressure on the spine. This can cause upper back pain and weakness or numbness in the legs and arms.

Pinched Nerve

If the herniated disc slips so far out that it compresses the nearby nerves, it causes a pinched nerve. This can cause pain in the upper back, loss of control of the legs, and numbness and pain in the arms and legs. In severe cases, incontinence can occur.

Call Chiropractic of Bellevue Today

If you are suffering from upper back pain, our chiropractor at Chiropractic of Bellevue can help. After determining the cause of your pain, we can create a treatment plan. After your first visit with us, you should start feeling some relief. To schedule an appointment, give us a call today.


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