Best Cure for Headaches Hands Down!

Best Cure for Headaches Hands Down!

Headaches are a very simple problem. There are huge, huge clinics and hospitals set up to treat patients with headaches and all kinds of complicated therapies involved, drugs involved and even hypnosis in some cases. 

Headaches come from 3 causes:

1. Nutritional Deficiencies 

2. Musculoskeletal mis-alignment or mis-arrangement.

3. Severe Mental Stress. 

Chiropractors can help patients with #1 and #2 reasons all day long, 7 days a week. We are experts in headaches and deal with them all the time.  The musculoskeletal issues are easy to fix - for a Chiropractor. Yes, sure, it will take sometimes 3-4 or even 5-7 regular visits done in a short amount of time over the course of a couple weeks to really make up some ground and vanquish headaches permanently.  Some patients with chronic headaches should expect to come in very frequently (twice a week for a few months) in order to get the body trained back into working condition. 

Chiropractors, usually because of the complete lack of understanding of nutrition on the part of patients, are forced to learn, study and know a lot about vitamins, supplements, and nutrition and it therefore a Chiropractor in practice for any length of time is pretty knowledgeable in what kinds of things (natural things) a patient needs to combat headaches. Sometimes it is simple as drinking a lot more water or taking a few hundred milligrams of Niacin to force increased blood flow to the head.

#3 Severe Mental Stress - Severe Mental Stress can be a major factor in headaches. Something can happen to a person (sudden loss of a loved one or loss of a job or near death experience) and that can trigger headaches in a person and those headaches can last awhile. A chiropractor is still a good person to see in this case as he/she will usually know several good people one can work with to relieve the mental stress suffered.  

All roads lead to your natural health provider - your Chiropractor - when it comes to headaches. 

Aspirin and other drugs merely mask the pain of a headache. If a person is severely malnourished (only drinks coffee all day) then yes, an aspirin may knock out the headache temporarily. In the jungle, when you have a headache you can eat some WillowBark and it'll turn a headache off but if you continue on without food or water...a headache is likely to keep recurring till the problem is fixed.

Also, drugs make it harder to treat a symptom. A headache that is chronically treated with aspirin will require more and more aspirin to make it go away. More and more aspirin will cause more and more side effects. Those side effects lead to the need for more and more medications. When a person is drugged is harder to get a good medical result with them as real symptoms are masked or dilluted and results are unreliable.

Surgery as a solution for headaches should only be the last, last, last result. Permanent removal or alteration of the body has huge side effects down the road. The body is built as a perfect machine. It functions perfectly in order to create change, fight off illness, disease and correct itself. Surgery (like removing some organ) causes the body to lose some kind of function to a large or small degree. But in the end even the small cuts, incisions and removals will have an effect.

Chiropractors treat your body in an organic way and use the least invasive solutions possible to treat problems. This is the first approach one wants to use if they are going to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Best in Health, 

Dr. Edward Owens, D.C.


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