How to deal with pulled muscle?

How to Deal with a Pulled Muscle

Pulled muscles can result from a personal injury accident or a sports injury. They can also be caused by doing too much too fast before you let your muscles warm-up. A visit to your chiropractor will determine what is going on and let you know what type of injury you have. In most cases, a pulled muscle will require little to no treatment. Wrapping or taping it may be the best solution if it is only a minor pull.

Caring for Sports Injuries

The severity of your injury will depend on the level of care you need. Severe sports injuries may require that you wear a brace during the initial stages of the healing process. In some cases, icing the injury and rest are the only things that are needed. If you are in severe pain, it is important to visit your chiropractor to ensure that it is only a pulled muscle and nothing more serious.

Treatment Options

Pulled muscles that are moderate to severe can be treated with deep tissue massage and chiropractic adjustments. An adjustment can help by making sure the skeletal structure near the injury stays in its natural alignment and will minimize swelling. Deep tissue massage keeps the muscle flexible and increases blood flow to the area providing oxygen and nutrients that are necessary for healing.

Visit Chiropractic of Bellevue for all Your Sports Injury Needs!

Chiropractic of Bellevue offers treatment options and customized treatment plans for sports injuries. Pulled muscles can be painful and limit your ability to perform day to day tasks. Visit Chiropractic of Bellevue and find out how they can help you speed up the healing process and get back on the playing field. They understand your frustration and will customize a treatment plan that addresses your concerns and gets you back on track.


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