Neck pain can occur due to a car accident or a condition and can limit your mobility. At Chiropractic of Bellevue in Bellevue, WA, we provide chiropractic care to alleviate the discomfort you may be experiencing and help you move more freely. Before visiting us, we invite you to keep reading to learn more about the causes of neck pain and why treatment is important!


Causes of Neck Pain

Neck pain can be either acute chronic. The discomfort might develop from an injury like whiplash, which can cause stiffness and decrease your range of motion. You may also have neck pain due to repetitive stress. The stress can occur when looking down at your phone for prolonged periods of time or if you have a job that requires you to look up frequently, such as a painter. Along with that, discomfort in the neck can also be from diseases like arthritis or inflamed muscles.

Diagnosing Neck Pain 

Before we can determine an appropriate neck pain treatment, we must first accurately diagnose the root cause of the discomfort. We'll start the process by gathering information about your medical history and determining if an old injury or health condition could be contributing to the pain. If you recently sustained a neck injury, our chiropractor will ask you about the symptoms that you may be experiencing. During your evaluation, we will also ask you to move your neck in different directions to assess your range of motion and we’ll manually check the various regions for swelling.

Chiropractic Treatment 

Chiropractic treatment for neck pain may consist of a spinal alignment, which can correct any subluxations that could be interfering with proper nervous system function and causing neck pain. Our chiropractor may also recommend chiropractic exercises. We will teach you certain exercises that will focus on the cervical spine and will increase your function and flexion. In addition to these services, we'll educate you on ways you can lessen your pain, such as with hot and cold therapy. Our chiropractor will provide advice on how to prevent injuries in the future and activities to avoid to help you recover quickly.

Contact us for an Appointment Today

At Chiropractic of Bellevue in Bellevue, WA, our team offers various chiropractic treatments to eliminate your neck pain. Once we assess your condition, we can create a customized treatment plan that can improve your mobility and help you heal. To schedule your appointment, contact us at (425) 802-5432 today!


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