Sciatica can cause numbness, tingling, burning, and can significantly affect your quality of life. At chiropractic of Bellevue in Bellevue, WA, our team provides various chiropractic treatments to reduce your symptoms and improve your health. You can learn more about sciatica and why treatment is important below:


Understanding Sciatica

Sciatica is rereferred to as the symptoms that occur when the sciatic nerve is compressed or irritated. You may experience pain, weakness, and tingling in your lower back. In some cases, the symptoms may radiate from the lower back to the hips and legs. Our chiropractor can help determine the root cause of your pain and offer treatment that will provide relief.


Sciatica can occur due to a variety of causes, such as a bone spur. Along with that, the root cause can be damage to the sciatic nerve, possibly from diabetes or pregnancy. The hormone changes that develop during the first trimester can lead to sciatica. In final trimester, it can happen from the baby adding pressure to the nerve.


When you visit us, our chiropractor will begin by asking about the symptoms that you are experiencing. We’ll also ask about your age and lifestyle, which can help determine an accurate diagnosis and provide prompt treatment. We may also need to perform imaging to learn more about your condition and determine the root cause of sciatica.


Chiropractic care can be highly beneficial for treating sciatica. Sometimes our chiropractor may combine treatments to help you heal quicker. One common technique we use is a spinal adjustment, which can ease the pressure on the sciatic nerve and the nerves that surround the spine. Along with that, spinal decompression can also provide relief and help you heal. We may also recommend massage therapy to help loosen tight muscle tissue and improve blood flow in the affected area.

Contact us for an Appointment Today

If you have symptoms of sciatica, let our team at Chiropractic of Bellevue in Bellevue, WA, help. After an evaluation, we can create a customized treatment plan that will alleviate your ache and improve your mobility. To schedule your first appointment, contact our office at (425) 802-5432 today!


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