Massage Therapy to Help Stress Reduce

Massage therapy can be a good way to calm your body and mind. At Chiropractic of Bellevue in Bellevue, WA, Dr. Edward Owens uses different treatment modalities to help promote muscle relaxation and reduce stress. When you work with a chiropractor, you are a taking a natural approach to your overall wellness. Massage therapy can be integrated into your care, potentially making it easier for you to maintain chiropractic adjustments. If you have pain, stiffness, or your mobility is lacking, it may be time to see how a chiropractor in Bellevue can help ease your symptoms.


The Potential Benefits of Massage Therapy

Massage therapy can have numerous benefits for the mind and body. If you are trying to reduce stress, massage can help you relax and get a good night of sleep. Massage may help your tissues heal, and might make it easier for you to receive chiropractic adjustments. Massage therapy can be used with other therapies. It can be a good complementary therapy for whole body wellness.

How Massage Therapy May Help Improve Chiropractic Care

When you see a chiropractor for headaches, neck pain, lower back pain, or whiplash, you may be able to get chiropractic adjustments to get your spine aligned. Massage therapy may help to improve the alignment of your spine by decreasing the tension in tight muscles. When your muscles are too tight, they might be able to pull your spine out of alignment. With the improvement of blood flow from a massage, it might be easier for your tissue to recover. When used in combination with chiropractic care, massage therapy may be able to help you recover faster.

When a Massage Can Be Beneficial

Our chiropractor can individualize your massage therapy to help make sure it can work for you. It depends on what your therapeutic needs are. Massage therapy can also be enjoyable and can be something to look forward to after a long and stressful day at work.

Visit Us for Stress Reduce and Muscle Relaxation Care from Our Chiropractor

Learn more about the health benefits of seeing a chiropractor and massage therapy by calling Chiropractic of Bellevue in Bellevue, WA, at (425) 802-5432, and set up an appointment to meet with Dr. Owens. When you take control of your overall health, you can help promote stress reduction and muscle relaxation throughout your body. Chiropractic care can be a beneficial therapy to address pain without the use of medication.


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