Chiropractic Care After a Car Accident: Soft Tissue Injuries

Chiropractic Care After a Car Accident: Soft Tissue Injuries

Car accident scene: all those involved should seek chiropractic care as soon as possible

After an auto accident, every moment counts. Traumatic blows and unnatural angles can cause damage that gradually gets worse, from spinal misalignment to injuries to your muscles, tendons, and other tissue. At Chiropractic of Bellevue, we treat auto accident injuries of many kinds, including soft tissue injuries such as strains, sprains, and bruises. We know that healing isn’t possible while your tissue is still inflamed, so we prioritize soft tissue injuries and encourage every patient to seek treatment right away.

Which Soft Tissue Injuries Are Common After Auto Accidents?

Soft tissue injuries are common after any sudden accident, especially if your body wasn’t properly supported or prepared for the force of impact. Just like ACL tears and other sports injuries, auto accident injuries are usually caused by abrupt trauma to a specific part of the body. For example, seatbelts, airbags, and other safety features may prevent fatal injuries, but they may contribute to soft tissue injuries.

Here are some of the most common soft tissue injuries after auto accidents:

Ligament Strains – Your ligaments support and connect your joints, so strains can impact the range of motion and mobility, especially if your body is forced into motion while your torso is restrained. Whiplash is the most common example. 

Bruises – If you hit any hard object during your auto accident, you may notice swelling and discoloration later. Bruising is a symptom of muscle and tissue damage, so it’s important to see a car accident doctor who knows what to look for.

Tendon Sprains – Your tendons connect your muscles to your bones, so sprains occur when your joints are overextended or violently jolted during an auto accident.

How Does Chiropractic Care Help with Soft Tissue Injuries?

If you suffered a soft tissue injury during a recent auto accident, you need a treatment plan that will actually reduce the swelling and inflammation. This is the only way to properly heal, and it’s essential before we can adjust any misaligned discs or joints. Here are some of our favorite benefits of chiropractic care after auto accident injuries:

Reduced Inflammation – Our techniques are designed to soothe irritated and inflamed tissue, making it easier for cells to regenerate

Faster Healing Time – Inflammation slows down the healing process, so relieving the source of soreness and swelling will help your injuries heal faster

Restored Alignment – If spinal misalignment occurred during your auto accident, your chiropractor may perform manual adjustments to restore balance and reduce pressure

Restored Mobility – Tense, sore, and misaligned body parts don’t work as intended, but chiropractic treatments are designed to restore the normal function of each limb and joint

How Does Our Car Accident Chiropractor Treat Auto Accident Injuries?

At Chiropractic of Bellevue, we always start by analyzing the location and source of your accident injuries. If inflammation is interfering with your healing process, your chiropractor may start by alternating ice and heat to reduce swelling, or use massage therapy to loosen tense muscles and tendons. If your spinal column was thrown out of balance during the auto accident, we will customize a regimen of chiropractic adjustments to restore balance and eliminate unnatural pressure and friction. Just call (425) 802-5432 to schedule an appointment with our car accident doctor today.


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