Spring Into a New Sports Seasons Sans Injury

Spring Into a New Sports Seasons Sans Injury

Sports without injuriesDon’t let pain or injury take you away from playing your favorite sports! Shin splints, rotator cuff injuries, and low back pain are all common injuries associated with our favorite summer sports like tennis, golf and running. While you can’t avoid every sports injury (accidents happen, after all), the good news is that with proactive care and preparation, you can significantly reduce your risk for summer sports injuries.

Reduce the Risk for Sports Injuries with At-Home Exercises

Below, our chiropractor discusses three of the most common summer sports injuries and what you can do to stay healthy.

#1: Lower back pain.

A round of golf with your buddies on a Saturday afternoon may seem like a low-key way to relax, but all too often the back nine can lead to some serious back pain. Lower back pain is often associated with a weak core. Strengthen yours by practicing core exercises like the plank pose and abdominal crunches. If this low back pain continues to be a problem, schedule an appointment with our chiropractor to find out if you have a spinal misalignment. Even a minor misalignment can affect your golf swing and worsen your pain.

#2: Shin splints.

Whether you’re a runner or just enjoy going for a long weekend hike, shin splints can make even basic movements like walking extremely painful. Loosen up your calf muscles and Achilles tendons before you work out. Stand in front of a wall with one leg forward and the knee bent; place the other foot flat on the floor. Push against the wall for 30 seconds, then switch to the other leg and repeat.

#3: Rotator cuff injury.

A rotator cuff injury is one of the most common tennis-related sports injuries. A rotator cuff injury occurs when the same repeated motions damage the muscles and tendons that surround the shoulder. Initially you may experience a dull ache that intensifies each time you play tennis. To reduce the risk for injury, practice shoulder strengthening exercises with light weights (5lbs) three times a week.

How to you reduce your risk for sports injuries?


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