Chiropractic for Infants - Article 1

Seattle Pediatric DoctorChiropractic for Infants

There are many things that happen to the fetus while it is developing in the womb. Many of these things are accidental or just can't be avoided but are injurious to the fetus and affect the child after birth.  A sneezing fit or a fall down the stairs or heavy physical exertion can really put a crimp on the fetus and affect the child later on.

Chiropractic can help the child (and mom) starting immediately after birth.  The Chiropractor can make small and gentle, corrective adjustments to the child's spine, joints, muscles and other soft tissue and help the child recuperate from the injuries sustained before, during and after birth. Chiropractic adjustments can help moms with their lower back and pelvic pain and unwanted sensations as well.

Small children have flexible bones and this is the optimum time to do Chiropractic.  Whereas it may take a dozen visits or more to get a full-grown adult to recover from an bad injury...children, in their more "flexible" condition can start healing immediately after only 1 visit to the Chiropractor.

Pediatric Care SeattleIf a birth is traumatic and long for the is most certainly traumatic for the baby and therefore, Chiropractic care should be immediately started for the infant AS WELL AS THE MOTHER.

There's a lot of physical stress during birth. And the body is capable of healing from that BUT only if it is put back into its normal operating condition. 

An example of birth trauma: A baby who had to be removed from the birth canal with forceps can suffer all kinds of head pain and migraines later on in life.  But if the infant is taken to a Chiropractor the various plates in the head can be gently adjusted as the child develops and thus help prevent such chronic conditions as migraines, ear infections, TMJ, etc.

The Chiropractic visits are always going to be far cheaper than most other doctor visits and a Chiropractic doctor is always going to opt for natural solutions rather than for solutions that create more problems (addiction to medication, side effects from surgery, etc) and that is in itself, one of the best reasons to bring your infant to a Chiropractor post-birth.

Be Healthy, Be Informed!

Dr. Edward Owens, D.C.

Chiropractic of Bellevue



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